10 Best Google Ads Management Software and Tools in 2023

10 Best Google Ads Management Software and Tools in 2023

Google ads management plays an important role in the modern world of digital marketing, Google Ads remains a powerful platform that enables businesses to boost their visibility online, drive traffic from a specific location or all over the world, and increase conversions. Well, for achieving all those mentioned opportunities one needs tools and software. Fortunately, a myriad of Google Ads management software and tools have been developed to streamline this process, automating and optimizing campaigns for better results. 

10 Best Google Ads Management Tools

Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor is Google’s proprietary tool, an all-encompassing solution for managing your Google Ads campaigns offline. This free application lets you oversee every aspect of your campaigns, from ad groups to individual ads and keywords. Not only can you edit your campaigns in bulk, but you can also carry out a range of other tasks like moving items between campaigns and undoing changes swiftly. 

Moreover, Google Ads Editor facilitates streamlined importing and exporting of files, making it perfect for businesses that need to collaborate or report on their campaigns.

  • Offline Editing: Allows users to download their campaigns, work on them offline, and then upload changes all at once.
  • Bulk Edits: Facilitates mass changes to campaigns quickly and efficiently.
  • Copy and Paste: Users can easily duplicate successful campaigns or ad groups by copying and pasting them.


A comprehensive suite of digital marketing tools, SEMrush, extends far beyond just Google Ads management. The PPC toolkit of SEMrush is an excellent utility, offering ad campaign optimization, extensive keyword research, and competitor analysis. It helps one to understand the competition better by providing an overview of their keywords and strategies. 

The local competitive analysis tool is especially helpful, providing insights into local SEO and assisting you in strengthening your regional digital presence.

  • Competitor Analysis: Reveals the keywords, ad budget, and strategies employed by your competition.
  • Keyword Research: Provides extensive tools to discover high-performing keywords for your campaigns.
  • Ad History: This shows how ad copies have changed over time, helping businesses strategize better.


WordStream is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the process of Google Ads management. The standout feature of this platform is its 20-Minute Work Week, which streamlines the review and adjustment of campaigns. This functionality provides recommendations based on the performance of your account, making it easy to optimize your ads. 

Furthermore, WordStream offers a detailed overview of your campaign’s performance, assisting you in understanding what’s working, and what’s not, and offering actionable insights for improvement.

  • 20-Minute Work Week: A unique workflow that suggests weekly adjustments to improve campaign performance.
  • Performance Dashboard: Provides a detailed view of how campaigns are performing in real time.
  • Smart Alerts: Sends notifications when there are significant changes or opportunities in your account.


Optmyzr is designed with a broad range of features, aiming to simplify your Google Ads management tasks. The tool’s features, such as one-click optimizations and data insights, allow for a comprehensive view of your campaigns. Not only does it offer solutions for bid management and rule-based optimizations, but it also provides tools for automating your budget management. Optmyzr’s reporting capabilities stand out too, enabling marketers to visualize data and share detailed reports easily.

  • One-Click Optimizations: Offers quick solutions for common optimization tasks.
  • Enhanced Scripts: Simplifies scripting to automate tasks and extend Google Ads’ capabilities.
  • Performance Monitoring: Allows for real-time monitoring of campaigns with custom-defined alerts.


AdEspresso by Hootsuite is a unique tool, that allows for simultaneous management of Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram campaigns from a single dashboard. This tool enables the creation and testing of hundreds of ad variants with a few clicks, optimizing your campaigns based on your KPIs automatically. AdEspresso’s analytical capabilities are particularly noteworthy, offering actionable analytics to aid your understanding of campaign performance and enabling you to refine your strategy accordingly.

  • Multivariate Testing: Enables testing of multiple ad variants to optimize campaign performance.
  • Synchronized Campaigns: Manages Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram campaigns from a single platform.
  • Actionable Analytics: Provides detailed analytics with insights to improve campaign strategies.

Marin Software

Marin Software is a cross-channel advertising platform that empowers advertisers to efficiently manage their campaigns across Google Ads, Bing, Facebook, and other advertising platforms. This tool provides advanced features like predictive analytics, advanced bidding algorithms, and budget pacing. The sophisticated algorithms help ensure that your budget is optimally utilized and the predictive analytics help forecast trends effectively. Moreover, Marin Software’s intuitive dashboard offers a consolidated view of your campaigns across all channels, making it simpler to measure performance and make strategic decisions.

  • Cross-Channel Advertising: Manages campaigns across multiple platforms, including Google Ads, Bing, and Facebook.
  • Advanced Bidding Algorithms: Utilizes machine learning to optimize bids for maximum ROI.
  • Predictive Analytics: Forecasts trends and potential campaign outcomes for strategic planning.


A premium solution, Kenshoo offers advanced features designed to provide in-depth automation and optimization tools for Google ads management. It offers predictive media optimization, intelligent campaign automation, and comprehensive performance insights to help you keep a firm grip on your ad campaigns. The tool’s distinguishing feature is its machine learning algorithms that help improve forecasting accuracy and enhance campaign performance. With Kenshoo, businesses can make data-driven decisions and ensure the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns.

  • Intelligent Campaign Automation: Automates routine tasks and offers optimization suggestions.
  • Predictive Media Optimization: Uses machine learning to forecast and optimize campaign performance.
  • Comprehensive Performance Insights: Offers detailed reporting on campaign performance across different channels.


While not exclusively a Google Ads management tool, SpyFu offers valuable insights that can significantly impact your PPC campaigns. It allows you to ‘spy’ on your competitors by providing detailed information about the keywords they’re targeting, their ad variations, and their spending on Google Ads. This data can guide your own keyword strategy and potentially uncover profitable niches that your competitors might be missing out on. Moreover, SpyFu’s detailed reports give you a comprehensive understanding of your competition, enabling you to fine-tune your campaigns and improve your ad strategy.

  • Competitor Keyword Research: Provides insights into competitors’ keywords, ad spend, and ad variations.
  • SEO and PPC Tools: Offers SEO metrics and PPC stats to enhance digital marketing efforts.
  • Rank Tracker: Monitors keyword rankings and domain performance over time.


Designed for SMBs and digital agencies, Aori is a user-friendly tool that excels in creating highly targeted and relevant ad groups. The unique feature of Aori is its SKAG (single keyword ad group) and STACK (single theme ad group) tools. These features allow users to build ad groups around a single keyword or theme, enhancing the relevance of ads and improving performance. Additionally, Aori offers a smart budgeting tool that distributes budgets optimally across campaigns, ensuring that your money is spent where it’s most effective.

  • SKAG and STAG Tools: Simplifies the creation of Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) and Single Theme Ad Groups (STAGs).
  • Smart Budgeting: Optimally distributes budgets across campaigns based on performance.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Streamlines campaign management with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use features.

PPC Protect

PPC Protect is an innovative tool designed to help you protect your ad campaigns from click fraud. This tool offers real-time protection, 24/7 monitoring, and automated IP and VPN blocking to safeguard your campaigns. Click fraud can eat away at your ad budget, making this protection incredibly valuable. The constant monitoring and automatic blocking mean that you can focus more on optimizing your ads, and less on worrying about click fraud. 

Furthermore, the comprehensive reports provided by PPC Protect give you a clear overview of attempted click fraud, helping you understand and measure the effectiveness of your protective measures.

  • Real-Time Protection: Offers instant click fraud detection and prevention.
  • Automated IP and VPN Blocking: Automatically block fraudulent IPs and VPNs from viewing your ads.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Constantly monitor your campaigns to ensure maximum protection against click fraud.


Google Ads can undoubtedly provide a significant boost to your business, but its complexity often requires the aid of robust management tools. Whether you’re an SMB, a large enterprise, or a digital marketing agency, there’s a Google Ads management tool out there to help streamline your campaign management, increase your ROI, and save you valuable time. Remember, the best tool is the one that aligns with your specific needs and budget. So, assess your requirements carefully and choose wisely to get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns.


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