Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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CMS Website Development

Do I really need a website?

Yes, many people go online to find and learn about companies before buying. Being online makes your company seem real and more people know about it.

What are the most important pages in a website?

Every business is different and obviously they need different websites, in terms number of pages, and design.

So, every website have some common pages like Homepage, About, Services, Contact Page, and FAQs page.

Do you design and develop business website on platform like Wix, Weebly, and SquareSpace?

Yes. We have experience in designing and building websites in different platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Weebly, and sqareSpace.

What is the difference between a good and a bad business website?

It is easy to answer the question of good or bad website:

  1. Good Website: Turns the traffic into potential and loyal customer that needs some factors like ranking of website on search results, allowing the end-user the flexibility to use the platform easily.
  2. Bad Website: Well, it does the complete opposite of good website.

We build websites that are not only considered as good website, but also mobile responsive and great user interface.

Will my website be responsive for different sizes or work on different devices?

Yes, all of our website designs and development of websites will be optimized and responsive for the five standard devices screen sizes (Large desktop, laptop, tablet, phablet, and mobile phone). It helps a lot website to get organic traffic because a great percentage of website traffic comes from devices other than Computer or Laptop specifically mobile.

If the website is not responsive and mobile optimized, it will have bad effects on website.

Can you work with websites that are already created and re-designed?

Yes. We have great experience dealing with clients that have a half finished websites either in case of design or development, we have helped them to finish the website and some other services like SEO and Website maintenance applied with 100% satisfaction.

How long does it take to create a business website?

Different websites have different requirements like total number of functionalities, and design matching with color combination.

So, the website can be completed from 3 weeks to 5 weeks.

Do I need blog on my website and Why?

Blogs play an important role in a website. It works as updating of website consistently. The information or content you publish works as new content that can get more traffic organically, and it is a sign that your website has a consistency on updating the content. Well, Search engines, especially Google likes the consistency in updating and publishing of new content.

How often should I update my website contents?

Companies should publish blogs or articles on website on a regular basis, because it can help business to rank and some keywords get ranked on Google first page or get traffic that can help the whole website to rank and have a great sales.

Is there a limit for uploading product on online store?

There is no limit mentioned, but the scalability of the website plays role in this matter.

We offer a services of website maintenance that enable one to have these kinds of issues solved easily.

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Social Media Marketing

What is social media?

Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow people to connect, interact, and share content with others over the internet. These platforms enable users to create profiles, post updates, photos, videos, and engage in discussions with friends, family, or a wider audience. Businesses mostly use social media platform for showcasing the products and services, because social media has a great user base.

How much time should I dedicate to social media marketing?

Your brand and selection of marketing platforms are the most important factor, we put hours to create content, posts, create graphics, engage with other brands and stay on the top of recent trends on the market.

Which social media platforms are best for my business?

All online businesses needs social media presence as the most factor to reach more users and traffic. Well, each company needs different strategies, and select platforms accordingly. Some will have activities on Facebook, while some consider Instagram as best. What we consider to define your target audience first.

What is the main purpose of social media marketing?

Social media marketing is promoting a brand and doing brand awareness, engage with the target audience, and achieve business goals through platforms. It includes driving website traffic, providing customer support, and sharing valuable content.

What is the best social media marketing strategies?

To make a plan for social media, you first learn about the kind of people who might buy from you. Then, you figure out where and how they like to talk online. There’s no single plan that works for everyone. It changes based on lots of things and is different for each person or business.

What is the difference between digital marketing and digital advertising?

Digital marketing is the strategies to promote businesses in online mode, either via website, social media and like Email means all digitally. Digital advertising is a part of digital marketing that involves paid ads to reach a targeted audience and sell the product.

Which social media platform account do you create and manage for my online business?

We create and manage accounts on any social media platform, like Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, Threads, Linkedin, Pinterest, and YouTube. Not only creating account, but also creating content and posts.

What type of activities do you perform on my social media accounts?

We do activates like content creation, user engagement, and post creation. Generally, all activates which can have a positive impact on growth business, like increasing followers, which those followers can be potential customer.

Do I have to give you access to my social media accounts?

Yes. It is obvious because we take care of each and every activates in social media accounts. In order to do our job properly we need the access.

Why is it important for my business to be active on social media?

Approximately, there is 2.5 billion active users on social media in a daily basis we can see a great opportunity in those platform for our businesses. To convert the users into potential customer and to upgrade selling ratio, you need to be active on social media platforms and interact with customers either repeat customer or new customer.

Graphic Designing

How can graphic designing services benefit my online business?

It plays a crucial role in developing a strong brand presence in today’s digital world to attract traffic and customer. Well-crafted designs help brands to have a great impression and that is why many businesses succeed earlier.

We offer best graphic designing services, that ensuring you with great visually appealing designs that align with your brand identity and your website’s color combination.

What do graphic designers use to create these designs?

Graphic designers have lots of options. They can draw things by hand or use computers with special software. Software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are really important for graphic designers. These programs help designers make cool designs in different ways. Some designers like to draw things by hand, while others prefer using the computer tools. Both ways are great and let designers show their creativity.

What can a graphic designer do that I can’t do?

Graphic designers do more than just use their imagination. Many are naturally creative, but they also learn about important design rules. These help them use design elements to say the right things and create specific feelings. They’re like artists who tell stories visually, using colors, fonts, space, balance, and lines to share their message.

Some graphic designers also know the technical side of design needed for making digital things for a company. For example, a web designer plans how a website will look and work.

What is the best process for working with a graphic designer?

Different designers have their own methods, but there are common steps for a good process when you work with a graphic designer. Before you start, it’s a good idea to check if the designer is right for your project. The best results come when you and the designer talk well and make great art together. You might want to work with the same designer on more projects later.

What if I don’t like what the graphic designer comes up with? Do I need to pay extra?

Deciding if you like something is about what you personally prefer. Depending on the task, we design using research, what we know, and following a design plan. Before we start, we tell you what we’ll do and how. We say how much time we’ll spend and how many times we’ll show you designs for feedback. If you don’t like what we make, we stop and think again about the plan and time. If we need more time, we let you know.

In which format will I receive final output file?

For Digital circulation JPG or PNG.

For Print Media Print ready PDF.

For Banner, Poster, Hoarding, etc Hi-Res JPG.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when designing graphics for social media?

When you’re making pictures for social media, remember these things:

Don’t use blurry or unclear images.

Don’t put too many words, it looks messy.

Don’t use too many different styles or colors that don’t look good together.

Don’t use pictures that are too big or small, they look strange.
Think about who will see it and what your brand is, so people like it.

What qualities and skills should a great graphic designer have?

A good graphic designer can talk to people and show ideas with pictures. They make designs that match a brand’s ideas and fix problems. It’s also good if they know about new graphic design styles.

SEO Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s ranking on search pages of search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

It involves optimizing various elements of the website to make it more attractive and relevant to search engines, thus increasing the chances of it appearing higher in search results.

The goal of SEO is to drive more organic (non-paid) traffic to the website, ultimately improving its online presence and attracting more potential visitors and customers.

How do SEO Experts choose keywords?

Different tools are available in the market that SEO experts use to do keyword research, like Google keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Semrush, and Ahrefs specifically.

These tools provide volume of a keyword, difficulty and many more metrics.

What's the difference between SEO and PPC?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the effort that drive organic traffic to a website that you do Not need to pay for. On the Other hand, for Pay-per-click advertising or PPC one has to pay to reach the target audience or customer.

So, SEO is a long-term effort it takes time and PPC is a quick effort.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is like helping your website do well when people search nearby. You talk about local stuff, keep your maps updated, and use social media.

What’s the Difference Between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

On-page SEO means the things you do on your website, like writing and tags. Off-page SEO is more about things outside your website, like how others link to it.

What is site taxonomy and how does it relate to SEO?

Site taxonomy is like how you organize your website and how easy it is to move around on it. When your website is easy to use, Google is happier to put it higher in the search results. Google likes websites that are easy to find your way around.

What does a typical SEO growth journey look like?

The Beginning (0-6 months):

The first 6 months of any SEO effort is almost always exclusively dedicated to fixing mistakes, fine tuning, and closing the gap between what your website has in place and current SEO best practices.

Once completed, these efforts can have ongoing and compounding benefits for years to come. The newly accessible and optimized pages start earning rankings and traffic, which foster more links, more exposure, more sharing, and more business.

The Turning Point (6-18 months):

Eventually, the list of actionable, immediate fixes, and optimizations depletes. At this point, your website will hit an “SEO Plateau.”

In order to reach the next growth plateau (between campaign months 6-18), you must invest in new strategies, such as:

New Keywords & Content
New Verticals & SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Features
Additional SERP Domination
Moving Up the Buyer Funnel
International/Multi-Language Targeting

How soon will I see SEO results?

We offer No guarantees, even no one does. SEO takes time, and the client must be patient, because the Each Search Engine algorithm is changing and it effect the Optimization of all websites.

Well, after 3-6 months, the result will take place and sometimes it takes even around one year to have a great effect. And if the SEO gets maintained it will be more beneficial in the future.

Why should I continue SEO once I’ve gotten good rankings?

Once your website shows up well in search results, the work isn’t over. Search engines like Google keep changing how they decide who goes where in the results. So, your website’s position can go up and down a lot.

If you stop doing these things after you get a good spot, your website might slide down the list quickly. So, think of SEO like a continuous job, not something you do just once, to make sure people keep finding your website when they search online.

Sales Funnel

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is like the journey someone takes to become your customer. It doesn’t matter if you have a shop or you sell things on the internet. The funnel has three parts:


Top of the funnel: This is where you get their attention first. It’s like using ads or your website to show them what you have. For example, if you have a shop, it’s like the signs outside, and online, it’s the first page they see.


Middle of the funnel: This is where you help them decide to buy. It’s like when they try your stuff in a shop or read about your things on your website. It’s everything before they actually buy something.


Bottom of the funnel: This is where they really become your customer. It’s like when they pay for things in the shop or put in their card details online to buy something.

What is sales funnel analysis?

Looking at a sales funnel closely is called analyzing. This helps see if what you’re doing is making people buy things.
You can check things like how many people buy, how much they click, the money you get compared to what you spend, and more.
You can also find out where the funnel has problems and try to fix them.

What is sales funnel optimization?

If you see problems in your sales funnel, you should fix them to make it work better. You want people to stay in the funnel and do what you want them to do.


Optimizing a sales funnel means making it better using the info you have. You look at the info and decide how to make things better and move forward.

What is sales funnel leakage?

When people start in your funnel as visitors but leave during different steps, that’s called Sales Funnel Leakage.
At the beginning, it could be visitors not signing up, so you can’t email them to continue.
In the middle, leakage might be people unsubscribing from your emails or not reading them.
At the end, it could be good leads choosing another solution that fits them better.
Just remember, all funnels have a bit of leakage.

What is sales funnel pricing?

Sales funnel pricing is about how much it costs to get help with your sales funnel.


If you’re not good with computers or you’re too busy, you might pay someone else more money to do the work for your funnel.


Sometimes it’s around $2,000 a month to build and manage, and big companies might pay over $1 million to experts who make a big funnel. But the cool thing is, they often make way more money back, even more than they spent.


How do you sell sales funnels?

If you want to sell sales funnels to businesses, you need to know a lot or have a team to help you.


Making, building, and using sales funnels needs different skills.


When you talk to businesses about funnels, tell them why it’s good. You’re giving them a tool that gets them more sales and trust from people, and it works almost by itself if done right.


If you use Funnelytics Pro, you can connect their real website addresses to the funnel and show them how people go through it, where they stop, how often people do what they want, and even how much money they make compared to what they spend. This is stuff customers really like to see.

How does a website increase sales?

Websites help sell more stuff by letting people buy things easily. Small businesses can use things like pop-ups with special deals and online discounts to make people want to buy.

When there are good deals and things are explained well, people like to use the company website to buy what they need.

What is the difference between a sales funnel and a marketing funnel?

Think of a sales funnel and a marketing funnel as two parts of a big funnel that do different jobs.


The marketing funnel is the beginning part. It gets people to your website and asks for their info in exchange for something good.


After that is the sales funnel. It takes those contacts, decides if they might want to buy, and then tries to sell to the ones who are ready to buy something.

Can you have Digital Marketing Sales Funnels?

Nowadays, online businesses use digital marketing funnels to get people to their websites. It’s a bit like how shops on the street use nice displays and signs to make people want to come inside.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-per-click advertising or PPC is a paid ads on Search engines or a quick way to get traffic or to increase visibility online.

We ensure you that your ad campaigns are placed in a right place that drive traffic which you want for your website.

What are the benefit of advertising with PPC ads?

For online businesses that needs quick traffic and quick sell, PPC ads are most important and even it works perfectly, we offer services related to PPC ads that helped a lot of business with great result and fantastic revenue.

What is a PPC ad network?

An ad network is like a tool that shows your ads to people. Google Ads (it used to be called Google AdWords) is one of these tools. When you want to make ads that you pay for only when people click on them, you use an ad network like Google Ads, Facebook, or Microsoft Advertising.

If you use Microsoft Advertising, you can put your ads on Bing and websites that Microsoft likes. But with Facebook, you can show your ads to a lot of its users.

What is PPC test?

PPC tests, which stands for Pay-per-click testing, help ads get better. It’s tough to know exactly what people like, and computers can’t guess how they’ll act. So, when ads start, they try to be good, but sometimes they don’t work perfectly. With PPC split testing, they make ads and web pages that are better and don’t have problems. They check things like asking people to do something, showing that the ad is real, using the right web link, giving good deals, asking questions, and saying the price. They also look at different web pages, not just the ads.

What is Ad rotation?

On a webpage, if you see different ads in the same spot, that’s called ad rotation. It’s like changing the ads so they’re not always the same. This is done to show ads from different companies. People can get tired of seeing the same ads, so ad rotation puts up new ones. It can manage pictures, keep track of how often each ad appears, and even hide ads from companies that are similar. They use a special code called JavaScript and do it in three ways: by the service, by the server, or by the user’s device. Ad rotation changes the ads often, which brings more people and helps make more money.

What is Ad rank?

Google ad rank is about where a company’s ad shows up on a search page. It depends on how much the company pays and how good their ad is. If the ad rank is high, the ad goes higher on the page. They figure out ad rank by checking how good the ad and the page it goes to are. To decide where the ad shows, things like where it’s seen, what device it’s on, and what people are searching for matter. It’s like a secret math thing that also affects regular search results. Before, ad ranks were based on Quality Score and money you spend. Now, to get higher, just use the right words in your ad, so it shows up more and goes higher.

What is the use of Conversion Optimizer?

AdWords Conversion Optimizer is the changes how much you pay for ads to make this happen. It looks at how ads worked before for Search or Display. To use it, you need to make sure your conversion info is right in AdWords. Then, in the Settings tab, you can set it up. You find ‘bidding and budget,’ click edit near bid strategy, and choose ‘focus on conversion.’ You tell it the most you’re okay with paying for a conversion.

Do people really click on online PPC ads?

When you look for stuff online, ads that pop up get more than 45% of the clicks on the page. And you know what’s neat? People who click these ads are twice as likely to buy things compared to those who visit your site without clicking an ad.

With the ads where you pay only when someone clicks (they’re called PPC ads), you can reach people who really want to buy things. This can quickly make your sales go up.

People don’t just click on these online ads – they also do things like buy stuff.

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