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Great Homes ATL

AI Chatbot Implementation

Great Homes ATL

AI Chatbot Implementation

Great Homes ATL is a leading real estate agency in Atlanta, committed to helping clients find their perfect homes. Serving diverse communities since 2020, the agency prides itself on innovation, integrity, and exceptional customer service.


Great Homes ATL needed a chatbot to provide quick responses to common real estate queries and assist clients in exploring property listings. The goal was to enhance client engagement and streamline the home-buying process.


We developed a Botpress AI chatbot tailored to Great Homes ATL's needs. Integrated with MAKE for backend automation, the chatbot was trained with a comprehensive knowledge base on Atlanta's real estate market, the agency's services, and property listings.

Key Features

Our AI chatbot provides instant responses, accurate information, easy scheduling, and a user-friendly interface.

Automated Responses

Instant answers to FAQs, reducing staff workload.

Knowledge Base Training

Accurate information on real estate market trends and services.

Property Exploration

Easy navigation through property listings and details.

User-Friendly Interface

Smooth and intuitive client interactions.


Increased Efficiency

Reduced routine inquiries, allowing staff to focus on personalized client interactions.

Enhanced Client Experience

Immediate answers and improved satisfaction.

Streamlined Property Search

Simplified exploration of property listings.

Consistency and Accuracy

Reliable real estate advice and guidance.


The AI chatbot for Great Homes ATL has significantly improved client interactions and operational efficiency, making the home-buying process more accessible and seamless for clients.
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